Saturday, 01 March 2025
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Final Fantasy VII iOS review | Gaming Age

Added: 01.09.2015 9:17 | 7 views | 0 comments

GA: Im willing to be that most of you are pretty familiar with Final Fantasy VII at this point. Originally released on PS1 back in 1997, and going on to make what I assume is a kajillion dollars, its a pretty popular RPG that most us who grew up in that era have played. And Id venture to say that most who grew up after that era have played it too, with a few different opportunities to do so across platforms like Steam, PSP, Vita, and PS3. So chances are you if youve ever had any interest in playing Final Fantasy VII, youve found a way to do so at this point.


Final Fantasy - The coolest heroes in the main series

Added: 01.09.2015 9:17 | 8 views | 0 comments

In Final Fantasy 15, the hero is the gloomy prince Noctis Lucis Caelum. But even before his majesty, there were interesting main characters in the Final Fantasy series. So, let's take a look at the coolest heroes in the Final Fantasy games.


What It's Like To Play Final Fantasy VI For The First Time

Added: 01.09.2015 8:17 | 26 views | 0 comments

Kotaku: Last night I started playing Final Fantasy VI, a video game about suplexing locomotives. I had never played it before. Six hours later, I saved my game and stopped. A lot happened in that time. Lets decompress. Yes, I missed out on Final Fantasy VI. Take a deep breath. I turned out fine. I didnt have any set-top game consoles growing up, so my video game playing was limited to PC games and a cherished handheld device or two. I didnt own an NES or a SNES, didnt have a GameCube or a PlayStation, and certainly never owned a Dreamcast. As a result, I was absent during the heyday of the Japanese role-playing game. Its been fun catching up, though Ive had to do it in fits and starts over the last several years.


Intro to Ys

Added: 01.09.2015 7:17 | 9 views | 0 comments

GE writes: "Hey, you, the person that likes your JRPGS. Tell me, could you guess the game series that has the second largest number of releases/rereleases? If Final Fantasy is first, what could be second? What ever your guess is, youre probably wrong. Let me introduce you to Ys. (And for those of you that know and love it, I hope you enjoy this.)"


Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain PS4 Collector's Edition Missing DLC Uncharted 4 Release Date - IGN Daily

Added: 01.09.2015 0:15 | 17 views | 0 comments

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, and Final Fantasy 15 all get release date info drops! Plus, The Taken King has no Day One raid and MGS5: The Phantom Pain on PS4 is missing DLC.


Volume, Final Fantasy VII, and Horizon Chase: lets Click-Swipe-Play

Added: 31.08.2015 23:17 | 7 views | 0 comments

Softonic launches a new gaming show. It features three reviews in under three minutes and a look at upcoming releases. This week its Volume, Horizon Chase, and Final Fantasy VII on iOS.


Check Out This New Final Fantasy XV Footage From PAX Prime

Added: 31.08.2015 21:00 | 24 views | 0 comments

The fine folks at Square Enix had plenty to share with fans during its Active Time Battle Report this weekend at PAX Prime. In addition to confirming Final Fantasy XV will indeed be releasing in 2016, the Japanese publisher also shared several new glimpses at in-game footage.


Final Fantasy XIV Composer Masayoshi Soken Rocks Out At PAX Prime

Added: 31.08.2015 17:18 | 49 views | 0 comments

Siliconera: The focus was on Heavensward music, lyrics, and lore at a Final Fantasy XIV panel at PAX Prime this weekend.


Weekly Recommended Mobile Game: Final Fantasy VII

Added: 31.08.2015 17:18 | 9 views | 0 comments

MMOsite: "Just a few days ago, Sony has finally brought their classic game Final Fantasy VII to App Store. The game costs $15.99, and to install it, you must make sure there is over 4GB of free space in your mobile device. However, I think these difficulties all mean nothing to the Final Fantasy fans, and some of you must have tried the game already. Today let's take a look at this game and see whether it is as classic as the old version."


Final Fantasy XIV Composer Masayoshi Soken Rocks Out At PAX Prime

Added: 31.08.2015 16:17 | 6 views | 0 comments

Siliconera: The focus was on Heavensward music, lyrics, and lore at a Final Fantasy XIV panel at PAX Prime this weekend.


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